Flew to Seaside Oregon
There was some marginal weather around when I took off but it was forecasted to get better.
By the time I got to Centralia it had really cleared up.
Hard not to fuel up at Centralia with prices like this!
Taxiing to the runway I thought this was a fake owl used to scare off birds. I was suprised when he turned his head and then took off.
Seaside Airport. Wind was pretty much from the South / Southwest today so I flew over the field to look at the windsock, then entered on a 45 degree entry to runway 16.
No pics on final cause I was pretty busy judging the amount of crosswind correction.
I really didn't have time to get out and walk around today but will next time.
A little hard to see in this picture, but the airport is just Northeast of town.
Almost home. As forcasted the weather had really improved.