Flew to Eastern Washington to check out the low water level near Vantage due to the recently discovered crack in the Wanapum Dam.
It didn't burn off as early as forcasted but the ceiling was slowly breaking up about the time I took off.
A little to the North looked a lot better.
I climbed up to 7500ft to cross the Cascades
Keechelus Lake
Just past Ellensburg I began to descend
I headed up the Columbia to Crescent Bar
Heading South again passing the Gorge Amphitheatre
Sunland again
The Vantage Bridge
The cracked Wanapum Dam
Desert Air
I decided while I'm in Eastern Washington I may as well land at an Airport that I've never bean to. I chose Sunnyside (1S5)
Sunnyside is near the smoke in the picture
With realativey calm winds, I chose to land on Runway 25. I'm currently on left downwind.
Taking off again on Runway 25
I flew over Yakima on the way back to Stampede pass
Back on the West side heading for home. What a great flight!