
After a morning oil change I flew to Hoquiam for Lunch with Lee, Robert, and Nick.

Cheney Stadium

Picked up Lee at Tacoma Narrows

At Hoquiam

After lunch we flew to Wynoochee Lake

Wynoochee dam

On base for 34 at McChord AFB. What?? Yep! While transitioning McChords airspace a C-17 had just landed. When we were directly over the field I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for a pass down the runway, so I did. "McChord tower Experimental 825LL flight of two requesting pass down the runway northbound." They responded, "Expermental 825LL flight of two cleared low approach runway 34. Enter and report on Right Base for 34"

Our pass was at 1000msl.(678ft above the field) Robert was on my 8:00 a bit behind.

Very cool, that's something I've always wanted to do!
