
Flew to the Wings Over Republic Fly-In with Darin, Harry, and Paul.

We took off at 7am and met Paul in the air. He was coming down from Crest Airpark.

The winds aloft today were pretty strong out of the Southwest and the Cascades looked a little bumpy. Actually our route essentially over I-90 wasn't too bad at 9500ft.

A very nice 42 knot tailwind!

Looking back over my shoulder the standing lenticular clouds from Mt Rainier appeared to have come together.

Decending down into Republic.

On final for runway 17.

Quite a few airplanes here.

The had quite a bit of merchandise so I had to buy a t-shirt.

An awesome pancake breakfast for $7.

The winds were supposed to pick up today in Eastern Washington so we decided to head out not long after breakfast. Unfortunately the taxiway is a dirt road and we had to use it because of incoming traffic.

We flew over to Omak then pretty much down the Columbia River.

Harry needed some fuel so we stopped at Wenatchee and all decided to get some.

As predicted we fought some headwinds on the way home. We decided to stay at 6500ft and they weren't too bad.

Lower ceilings on the West side but Stampede pass allowed us to stay under with room to spare. Great trip!
