August 2009 Pictures
Another coat of overpriced primer. A lot better on the pinholes this time, but there's still more.
Pinholes galore on the gear leg fairings though. :(
Marked the rivet holes on the bottom rudder fairing
Top of rudder fiberglass tip
Since the top fiberglass piece fits inside the skin, you have to countersink the fiberglass for the skin dimples. These glued in aluminum strips provide a good bite for the pop rivets.
Pop riveting on the top fiberglass tip
These holes get nutplates for the empennage fiberglass fairing
Using the nutplate as a drill guide
The VOR / GS antenna mount
In order to maintain the necessary egde distance, I decide to cut off half the nutplate and only rivet one side. This is the Horizontal Stab fiberglass tip that may need to be removed in order to access the VOR / GS antenna
The lower Horizontal Stab fairing strip
Machine countersinking for the #6 dimples
The longeron gets tapped to 6/32 for the #6 screws
Same deal with nutplates on the Horizontal Stab for the empenage fairing screws
Work on right wingtip
Tons of nutplates to install
This rib goes in the rear of the wingtip
To disconnect the aileron I had to remove the flap
Aileron disconnected
Rib set in place and marked
Top drilled clecoed, just a couple holes
Reinstalled wingtip, clamped and drilled couple holes in bottom
Removed to drill all holes