July 2007 Pictures
Since the main skins overlap, you have to file and sand a scarf joint so they fit nicely behind the fuel tanks.
Tons of blue covering removal, deburring, and dimpling. There are 8 skins with two sides. Yikes!
I took my leading edges over to Nick's house and he helped me rivet them. I also gave him a hand with some horizontal stab deburring and dimpling on his RV-7/A project.
Landing light template
It was real tough to cut a hole in perfectly good leading edge, but it turned out great.
The kids woke up a little earlier than normal and came out for awhile. Their sleepiness showed.
Cutting the plexiglass lens to size.
Warming it up a little before drilling.
Sweet! 7/28/07 Broke 600 hours today.
Did a preliminary leak test today. The right tank looked great but the left leaked badly. After searching for awhile I found that on the end rib near the baffle there were 2 leaks. Should be an easy fix though.
You can see the soap bubble around the leaks.