
Flew up to Sekiu and Port Angeles

The rain was suposed to hold off until the evening but big surprise, it didn't. Since it wasn't wide spread I decided to fly anyway. On the way Northwest there was light rain between Tacoma and about Port Orchard.

Started getting pretty nice up towards Port Townsend.

Sequim Valley Airport

The ASOS at Port Angeles was calling a broken ceiling at 6000ft.

Sekiu Airport is an East and West runway nessled right behind a big hill. Wind from the North causes quite a bit of turbulance.

I flew over the airport to check out the wind and it looked to be from the North West so I circled around for runway 8.

Here on left base you can barely see the runway behind the hill.

After getting rocked pretty good by turbulance on final, I went ahead and bagged the landing altogether. I'll come back on a calmer day.

I did land at Port Angeles on the way back.

Here comes the rain again near Bremerton.

I was picking up 3G periodically on my phone and was able to show the radar returns on Foreflight.

The rain ended just as I approached Thun so I was able to get a good blow dry before landing.
